奖项图片-Eric Reissner
Prof. Xiaojing Zheng
Xidian Unversity, China

Xiaojing Zheng, female, PhD, professor in Mechanics, academician of CAS and TWAS, director of the Research Center for Applied Mechanics, Xidian University, the former vice-chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology. Currently, she is members of TWAS Membership Advisory Committee in Engineering Sciences and the ICTAM Congress Committee, the editor-in-chief of ‘Acta Mechanica Sinica’, associate editor-in-chief of ‘Flow’ (JFM sister journal), etc. Her early work focus on solving the nonlinear equations governing the mechanical behavior of plates and shells, which was praised as ‘the most perfect research in this domain in recent 50 years’ by Prof. Chien Wei-chang. Later, she was engaged in the field of electromagnetic solid mechanics, where she made contributions to propose an accurate characterization model of magnetic force in ferromagnetic structures, and a group of nonlinear constitutive models for magnetostrictive materials with mechano-magneto coupling effects, which is citated as the ‘Zheng-Liu model’ . In recent more than 20 years, she has been focused on the study of gas-solid two-phase wall-bounded turbulence with high-Reynolds number. In this field, she was esteemed as the pioneer of mechanics of wind-blown sand, and praised as ‘significantly enhanced the international influence of wind-blown sand research in China’.